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Exit Strategy Escape Room of Wayne

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Scare Factor
Not Scary at All
Appropriate For
Ages 13 & older. Anyone under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
Organization Type
Commercial / For Profit
Listing Categories
Escape Games
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Indoor Event(s), Touching Not Allowed, Free Parking
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Our Escape Rooms: The Duke's Palace, The Hotel Luexeva & The Speakeasy

The Duke's Palace: Enter a magical city as you and friends gather in the Duke's Palace for a wedding between the Duke's son and a beautiful princess. An evil sorceress is jealous of their love and that the princess will be taking the throne of the magical city. She has cast a terrible curse over the wedding guests and it is you and your team's job to find a way to reverse the curse and escape the palace.

The Hotel Luexeva: The United States and the USSR are in the middle of a Cold War. the arms race has taken center stage. The ability to hide an airplane from radar is the one particular piece of technology that the two countries have coveted. This new technology, known as stealth, could solidify the dominance of either world power! One team of American scientists has just invented the necessary components to make the dream a reality, and as a team of secret agents it is your job to rendezvous with the head scientist at the Hotel Luxeva. Get the stealth technology and escape the hotel before the KGB arrive!

The Speakeasy: It is the 1930s in Chicago, a crime boss is controlling the underworld of the city, with a network of speakeasies and casinos to run unobstructed on every downtown corner - despite the Prohibition. Since the boss beats all his charges in court, it is in your hands to save the city from this group of mobsters. It's time to take their organization down!
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